But it is not only Scurvy that VITAMIN C can prevent. This Nutrient is also vital in making our body healthy and strong against many illnesses. And it is important to know that VITAMIN C is a water-soluble vitamin which means, our body does not store it. We really have to have our load of this Vital Nutrient everyday.
A. Health Benefits from VITAMIN C
a. Anti-Cancer Nutrient - VITAMIN C is an anti-oxidant and we all know that anti-oxidants help a lot in battling free radicals which causes Cancer.
b. Helps in Battling Other Serious Diseases - since VITAMIN C is also an anti-oxidant, it is not only Cancer that it can battle. It can also battle other degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and others.
c. Good for the Skin - can prevent the consequences of prolonged sun exposure which can lead to Skin Cancer
d. Weight Loss - foods high in VITAMIN C (and low in Carbs and Calories) are considered Weight Loss foods.
B. VITAMIN C Deficiency
Deficiency in this Vital Nutrient may lead to :
a. Fatigue
b. Scurvy
c. Bleeding Gum
d. Loose Teeth
e. And, of course, deficiency in VITAMIN C means a losing battle against free radicals
Note : Smoking lowers the amount of VITAMIN C in the body.
C. Sources of VITAMIN C
The best sources of VITAMIN C are fruits and vegetables. No need to take supplements. Just load your diet with these foods and you will get an ample dose of this Vital Nutrient.
For the Top Ten List of Fruits with the most VITAMIN C, click here.
For the Top Ten List of Vegetables with the most VITAMIN C, click here.
D. VITAMIN C Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA)
Group | Fruit Name | Intake per day (in mg) |
Infant | 0 - 6 months | 40 |
6 - 12 months | 50 | |
Children | 1 - 3 years | 15 |
4 - 8 years | 25 | |
Males | 9 - 13 years | 45 |
14 years - 18 | 75 | |
19 years - above | 90 | |
Female | 9 - 13 years | 45 |
14 years -18 | 65 | |
19 years - above | 75 |
Vitamin C is the most popular and common nutrients that our body needs because of the pollution that we encounter each day so it became a requirement that we take some of it or eat foods rich in vitamin C. It is also important to our health if what we take is a vitamin C with zinc so we will have a double protection from having illness or even zinc deficiency from many pollutants around us.